Halfway Home [1]

Halfway Home is one of those stories. They don't let you go, they wanna get written. And that's what I'm doing at the moment. Yes, you heard correctly, I am writing. I've been running in so many circles this year, one of them was, that when I get back to writing I would start with... Continue Reading →


Let's talk a little bit about fanfiction, because I know some of you guys are just visiting this page for my fanfics - I see it in the stats and I love it. It's how I came to writing, and I'm still doing it, though not as frequently as I'd like. Okay, for those not... Continue Reading →

The Organized Scribe

I know what you're thinking: you don't seem particularly organized to me. And you're right. At the moment, I'm free-floating through the social media sites, playing games and dodging responsibility. But as I remembered yesterday, that was different last year. I wrote quite a bit. So, what was different? I was organized - or as... Continue Reading →

The Affair [Out Now]

It has come the time when I can finally write this blog post: The Affair is out there, you can buy it at your favoirte ebook online shop - or at least on Amazon, All Romance ebooks, Smashwords and Kobo. I'm excited, of course. It seems a long time since I started writing it. I... Continue Reading →

Pep Talk [for Writers]

[This kinda relates to NaNoWriMo - but also doesn't, because it's for every writer out there, not just those participating in NaNoWriMo - if you're a writer, this is for you.] You are a writer. Or you are an author. Or maybe, like me, you like to think of yourself as a scribe. No matter... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo – Update [3]

Another NaNo-week. What I find really interesting at this point is that my outlook on the whole endeavor changes. First few days, I was mostly excited and wrote to write. First full week was more thoughtful but mostly fun and games. And now... I feel that it's time to think more about the story, to... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo – Update [2]

A whole week of NaNo - or rather, writing. I'm no stranger to writing every day, but as with reading books for classes at university, it's always a little more difficult if you 'have to.' I don't know if others feel like that, I do. But it was a good week, not great, not sensational,... Continue Reading →

I’m Writing [2]

Welcome to another installment of 'I'm writing,' though maybe you're already well-informed on my projects - or so you think. There is always something I'm not sharing, you know, I'm secretive that way. So, let's have a look at my current projects - and rejects. NaNoWriMo: Carpe Tempus - now, I have talked about this... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo – Update [1]

It has begun. Yesterday at midnight, I started working the keys. This sounds more prolific than I've actually been. For once, the hour between midnight and one is not my most creative and, for another, I wasn't alone and undisturbed, and actually a little pissed about it. So, 180 words are all I have to... Continue Reading →

Writing Vampire

I do believe that all writers (and maybe some other creative folk) who read Twilight and didn't like it (like me) have sat down one lazy Sunday afternoon and thought about how they would do it differently. Not the original tale, or not necessarily, but an idea along those lines - a vampire novel. Or... Continue Reading →

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